Frequently Asked Questions

How much used oil must I generate per year to make buying a used-oil furnace or boiler a practical decision?
The average minimum volume of used oil you must generate annually is between 500 and 700 gallons. You can also burn #2 fuel oil if you run short of used oil.
Doesn’t a used-oil furnace produce black, sooty smoke and pollute the air?
Absolutely not. Waste oil heaters burns as cleanly as a #2 fuel-oil furnace. In fact, they are designed to burn #2 fuel oil in addition to used oil.
Won’t various viscosities of crankcase or transmission oil affect the combustion efficiency of my furnace?
No. These state-of-the-art burners are designed to accommodate a range of oil viscosities, from 10w to 50w.
 How often will I have to clean the ash from inside the furnace?
Expect to clean your waste oil furnace every 1000 hours of operation, on average. Cleaning your furnace is a safe and easy procedure, which takes only about 30 minutes.
What’s the average length of time for payback on a used-oil furnace? And, will I ever really enjoy FREE heat?
Depending on average temperatures in your region, you’ll enjoy an 18 to 24 month ROI. And, yes, free heat is your reward for a smart business decision.
What is “cradle-to-grave” liability and how can it affect the way I dispose of used oil?
The federal government holds you directly and irrevocably responsible for pollution management, clean-up and disposal control of used oil. Simply put, the liability for used oil exists until it is burned (i.e. recycled).
Isn’t it more convenient and less troublesome for me to contract with a hauler or refiner to transport my used oil?
It may be easy for you to pay a hauler to pick up and dispose of your used oil. But in doing so, you are giving away valuable fuel which could be used for free heat generated by your Waste Oil burning Heating System.

Is there any way to duct a used-oil furnace?
Yes, Waste oil furnaces can be ducted, and are UL approved for this application.

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